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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Here are some more Spanish Words

especial (éh-speh-see-áhl) / Spain: (éh-speh-thee-áhl)
special (adjective)

Example: Tú siempre serás para mí la persona más especial de mi vida.
Translation: For me you will always be the most special person in my life.

puro (póo-roh)
pure (adjective)

Example: Quiero ir a las montañas para respirar aire puro.
Translation: I want to go to the mountains to breathe some pure air.

supervisar (soo-pehr-vee-sáhr)
supervise (verb)

Example: Tenemos que supervisar más a los nuevos empleados.
Translation: We have to supervise the new employees more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

New word - CASE

Here is a Spanish word which might come in use for you. I will provide in each example the Spanish sentence and the translation.

caso, noun:case

En casos así es mejor callarse.
In cases like this it’s better to keep quiet.

No me hacen caso.
They don’t pay any attention to me.

No hizo mucho caso de lo que le dije.
She didn’t take much notice of what I told her or She didn’t pay much attention to what I told her.

Hazle caso, que ella tiene más experiencia que tú.
Listen to her, she has more experience than you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

More Spanish words

Hi Spanish Learners, I offer you today 3 Spanish words to study.

cansancio (cahn-sáhn-see-oh) / Spain: (cahn-sáhn-thee-oh)
tiredness / weariness (noun)Example: El cansancio al volante es causa de muchos accidentes. Translation: Tiredness while driving is the cause of many accidents.Learn Spanish:

(la) comisión (coh-mee-see-óhn)
commission (noun)Example: Los bancos ganan gran parte de sus beneficios con las comisiones. Translation: Banks earn a large part of their profits with commissions.Learn Spanish:

privilegiado (pree-bee-leh-hee-áh-doh)
privileged (adjective)Example: Somos personas privilegiadas porque no nos tenemos que preocupar por las necesidades básicas. Translation: We are privileged people because we don't have to worry about basic necessities.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Spanish lesson of the day

callarse, verb:to stop talking; to keep quiet

The basic idea behind callarse is that of ‘not talking’.

Cuando entró el profe, todos nos callamos.

When the teacher came in we all stopped talking.
Me callé lo que ya sabía. I kept quiet about what I already knew.

You can use it to tell people to be quiet:
¡Cállense, por favor!Please be quiet!
But callarse la boca is rather informal:

¡Cállate la boca!Shut up!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Web site is fine

Hello Spanish learners. Well, it looks like the new web site is in good shape and the new blog is taking shape as well. Right now, the plan is to eliminate the old blog within about a week and just use this one. Today, I spoke Spanish at a lavanderia with a person from Bolivia. He did not speak English, but that did not matter. Eric

Spanish Words

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