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Friday, February 1, 2008

Ferry Service has Trouble in Costa Rica

I rode this ferry when I was there.
clipped from
Paquera ferry operators lose battle in supreme court
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

The Sala I of the Corte Suprema de Justicia put the Ferry Peninsula out of business Thursday.

The Poder Judicial reported that the high court, which deals in civil
matters, agreed to bar the  Asociación de Desarrollo
Integral de Paquera from running its ferry.

The association said this would affect the income for 60 families in
Paquera. It estimated it would lose 46 million colons (about $92,000) a

Naviera Tambor sought the injunction. The company owners and operates
two ferries, Tambor I and Tambor II, between Puntarenas and Paquera.
 blog it

1 comment:

Admin said...

Hmm..It is disheartening to know the court has ruled against Paquera ferry operators. This would effect the families who solely depend on ferries for their livelihood. If anyone can start a signature petition and represent it to the court, it would help the ferry operators.

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